02-2017 Resolution Agreement with Castle and Cooke- privacy gate_1-17-2017.pdf03-2017 Resolution Appreciation to Owen Bramlett_1-17-2017.pdf06-2017 Resolution Debt Management Policy_4-18-2017.pdf09-2017 Resolution Approving Districts fiscal year 2017-18 Preliminary Budget_6-20-2017.pdf11-2017 Resolution Revised ORG chart_7-18-2017.pdf05-2017 Resolution Establishing a limitation on expenditures of Measure A funding for the drought tolerant landscaping_4-18-2017 (1).pdf10-2017 Resolution Approving Salary Schedule and Merit Increase Policy_9-14-2017.pdf04-2017 Resolution Agreement with Larry Bain CPA_2-21-2017.pdf13-2017 Resolution Appointing GM as Treasurer and Secretary_10-17-2017.pdf07-2017 Resolution Agreement with NBS_5-16-2017.pdf12-2017 Resolution VOID Duplicate of 10-2017 Resolution_7-18-2017.pdf14-2017 Resolution Approving Introductory Period Policy_11-21-2017.pdf17-2017 Resolution Workers Compensation Coverage_12-19-2017.pdf01-2017 Resolution Amendment to the 2016 fiscal year budget_1-17-2017.pdf16-2017 Resolution Agreement with ORR Design_12-19-2017.pdf08-2017 Resolution Directing the Transition from Calendar Year to a July 1 Through June 30 Fiscal Year_5-30-2017.pdf15-2017 Resolution Approving Amendment to the 2017-18 Salary Schedule_11-17-2017.pdf